So when we got the new pictures I was a little concerned that in the pictures her eyes appeared to be crossed. I never saw a hint of it in earlier pictures but now EVERY picture seemed to be that way. I was not concerned if she actually had an eye problem. It was more the fact of her being in Vietnam for who knows how much longer and not being able to treat it early. I read you should start patching at 4 months or it could cause permanent damage. This really scared me. I felt so out of control. It really scared me not being able to help my daughter if she had a medical problem that needed to be treated. My job on this planet is to take care of my kids . This is what a Mom is for. It was really hard having no control over this situation or how it played out.
I sent her updated photos to an International Adoption Specialist Doctor who reviewed their medicals back in June and is available to consult with about anything that concerns me. This is a great service (Large donation required and appreciated- Of course this is the world of International adoption) and it definitely eased my mind. Here was the response of this great DR.
"As with your little boy, she is absolutely gorgeous. I can understand your concerned about a crossed eye (strabismus) which is a common pediatric eye problem. HOWEVER, I do not think she has a true problem. Children from Asia often have extra folds of skin over the middle portions of their eye. These are called epicanthal folds and they often obscure the medial portions of the globe and make it appear that the eyes are crossed. The way to look at eyes is to look at the light reflex coming off the cornea (gleam of light in the middle of the eye). If the light reflex is centered at the same point in the pupil in both eyes, then there is usually conjugate gaze (non-crossed eyes). In her case, the light reflex is centered in both pupils so I believe she has a condition called pseudostrabismus (false strabismus) which has no pathological significance. That's my best guess at this point but all adopted children need to see a good pediatric ophthalmologist after arrival. If it is a problem a variety of treatments are available and the outcome is usually quite good at this age. "
I can see what he means. If you look at the white dot of light on her pupil it is in the same place even though her one eye looks crossed. I thought this might be useful info for some of you that might be adopting your own little Asian prince and princesses.
I hope the rest of this wait goes FAST. I do not want to feel that out of control again. The Mother bear instinct in me kicked in. I was almost on an airplane to Vietnam to kidnap my own child.
My daughter (bio) had a similar look to her eyes as a baby. I too was reassured by her ped and a ped opth that it was OK and not uncommon because of the exaggerated space between her eyes. He said it appears that way, but they are OK.
We discovered that our son had a lazy eye at age 2 1/4. We have been patching for a year now (2 hours per day) & I think it is now corrected!!! We'll see what the dr says at his next appt. :) But it looks like we have avoided surgery altogether!!! :) Anyway... just wanted to give you reassurance that, even if she did have an issue, that even age 2 / 3 isn't too late for a recovery!! :) But regardless, I know you want both of them home NOW in your own care!!! So great that you found such a great IA dr.!
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