"Take an action each day that alleviates suffering in the world. Bring light into darkness."
-Angeles Arrien

Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
If you're alive, it isn't.
--- Richard Bach

I have come to realize more and more that the greatest disease and the greatest suffering is to be unwanted, unloved, uncared for, to be shunned by everybody, to be just nobody [to no one]
--Mother Teresa

We were not separated at your birth.
It was the moment at which we began our journey toward each other
-Nancy McGuire Roche

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Here is our little Princess!!!

Some of you not familiar with the adoption world might wonder why I am only posting bits and pieces of my children. No it is not to keep them all to myself. No it is not to keep you in suspense. It is because by Vietnamese law they are not officially my children until the Giving and Receiving ceremony in Vietnam.This is a public blog and anybody could happen upon them (Vietnamese government officials) and to post them here could endanger my adoption. No matter how connected I feel to them and no matter how much I want to brag, I need to follow the rules. Once I am in Vietnam I can post all the pictures I want. You will be so sick of seeing them.
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